First, a big thanks to Brian Daldorph and Coal City Press. Brian,
you always commented on how you loved the poems I sent you, and I appreciate
your words, your presence, and your enthusiasm. Really, you are a big reason
for why I continued working on these poems, hoping to get a book-length
I have other people to thank, too, like the editors who published
some of the poems in their literary journals: Kevin Rabas, Amy Fleury, Mickey
Cesar, Katie Longofono, Mary Stone, and Matt Porubsky.
Also a big thanks to Aldrick Scott for the cover art.
I started on these poems back in 2002, finished in 2015, about
a time of my life from 1986 through 1993. It was years in the making on both
Eric Schlosser comments in his 2001 book Fast Food Nation, "Instead of
relying upon a small, stable, well-paid, and well-trained workforce, the fast
food industry seeks out part-time, unskilled workers who are willing to accept
low pay. Teenagers have been the perfect candidates for these jobs, not only
because they are less expensive to hire than adults, but also because their
youthful inexperience makes them easier to control."
When I asked on Facebook how many poets ever worked fast
food, the response was astonishing. I found out that Jon Tribble has a
manuscript, too, about his experience working for KFC. I also learned Mark
Nowak did during the entire Reagan presidency (1980-1988) at Wendy's in
Buffalo. Also, Amy King worked at McDonald’s for years. I did, too.
I certainly wanted these poems to speak to my formative
years, to the epiphanies and heartbreaks of feeling trapped in a job. I do not
want to make this collection political, but can’t help but think of the work we
still need to do. Food, Inc., A Place at
the Table, Super Size Me, and all of the documentaries in both film and
book form trying to point out the truth in a time of the need for overhauling
all systems. Please also check out Chew
On This: Everything You Don't Want to Know About Fast Food. The film Fast Food Nation is the fictional
account of what is found in Eric Schlosser’s book and worth viewing, too.
Workers’ rights, the food industry, and big business: Will
it take a reshifting of the hierarchy of power into a shared power? Can it be something
healthy, local-based, self-sustaining, job-creating, and on the side of
everyone’s best interests?
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