Thursday, March 28, 2019

Bookdeals right now!

Wednesday, March 27, 2019


It looks like my focus is on writing Kansas poems, movie poems, comic book poems, and anti-hegemonic masculinity poems. 

Monday, March 25, 2019

Rotating Teaching Schedule

Spring 2019
EN300VA/VB Advanced Writing Nursing
EN199/399/WG/PY Psychology of Poetics
EN206 Beginning Poetry Writing

Fall 2019
EN300VA/VB Advanced Writing Nursing
EN101 First Year Writing /  Vets and Military
EN315 Reading as Writers

Spring 2020
EN300VA/VB Advanced Writing Nursing
EN206 Beginning Non-Fiction Writing (online)
EN199/399 Film Appreciation: Black Cinema

Fall 2020
EN300VA/VB Advanced Writing Nursing
EN101 First Year Writing /  Vets and Military
EN192/399 Lit and Film Graphic Novel

Spring 2021
EN300VA/VB Advanced Writing Nursing
EN192/399 Lit and Film Mythologies
EN206 Beginning Poetry Writing


Fall 2021
EN300VA/VB Advanced Writing Nursing
EN101 First Year Writing /  Vets and Military

Spring 2022
EN300VA/VB Advanced Writing Nursing
EN110 Multicultural American Lit? Per Mary

Sunday, March 24, 2019


Saturday, March 23, 2019

AWP 2019

As small presses develop their discounts alongside being at AWP, I thought I would place here books I am interested in:

Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Writing a Novel?

So I recommend these two books to help: The Making of a Story and Manuscript Makeover. They are really excellent. Another strategy is to find a book similar to the one you want to write or a book you are fascinated with and outline a summary chapter by chapter to see "how it works". One final suggestion is the snowflake method. I hope these help, and good luck!

Wednesday, March 13, 2019


After a few days of reflecting you realize again that you are for the underdog that you've had your life full of Gatekeepers and people telling you you couldn't you couldn't and this is what is upsetting is that here is someone that you saw as a father figure not so much it is his game it's his life you see The Gatekeepers with him and how it was such a competition within his family that you don't want that in your family so the best solution that you can offer is to bring others in and that he will help you bring those others in because you will call attention to these others it's not about you it's about helping the others who would have the gates closed and you will Champion them you will get those people in because what do you deserve you already have accomplished it's already done you are about your heart you want Community you want to be loved and love others to have the freedom to love others and you don't need to be invited to some party to have that you can make your own party in the world you will get these people in through the gate and you will join them to the party these overlooked people right in front of his face you are going to make it happen because let's face it that you do is really me

Saturday, March 9, 2019


The good thing about the final the final turn away the gatekeeper poses is that you don't have to try to keep getting into that castle you survey the walls you think about the people inside and then you hear voices from all around asking you to come over to Their Kingdoms

Friday, March 8, 2019


It's ironic just as I blog here on Tuesday that the gatekeeper struck again and it was good to see old friends to go to the reading but it wasn't fun to be asked by some many if I was going over to The Gatekeepers house and I even went to the GateKeeper talk without the invite no invite for me and then I finally had to tell someone when they asked if I was going over that I wasn't invited. It was probably wrong but the gatekeeper keeps the gate and it's tough to live in The Gatekeepers town when you thought it was everyone's town. The gatekeeper keeps a lock on the gates of the town pulls up the portcullis and then lights up the gas lights.

Tuesday, March 5, 2019

I leave this here

My legacy would be to go make your own I've had so many people support me to cheer me on to be on my side and I knew they were because it wasn't out of that self recognition that gatekeeping tactic of being famous and some local Manor and you have to continue to be famous and find ways to connect not to make connections but just to show how big you are that you want to be known and make connections with the big people because those are the ones who matter to you but to me I'm for the underdog I'm looking for the people who won't get recognized I want them recognized as I will float back into the scenery unseen


One of my ekphrastic ideas came when discussing an artist I love, Kojo Griffin. His work in using childhood imagery--like stuffed animals and anthropomorphic figures--in portraying cruelty and violence helps in facing the violence. I would love to write poetry not only based on the painting but the poetry should do the same--save the reader from re-enacting but representation. I know words can do this, but it's in the figuring out how to do this.

Project for the summer?

Kemper has a piece up through August in their Child's Play exhibit.’s-play-exploration-adolescence

Using the scene of a playground as the setting for his collage work Freudianslipslideintodarkisms (2011), Donnett illuminates how childhood memories and experiences may directly inform our identities in adulthood. Prior’s Untitled #46 (2004) and Untitled #26 (2005) are based on Freud’s notion that an adult cannot accurately access memories of childhood in the way they were originally experienced. 

Artists in this exhibition depict children’s experiences from varying perspectives that then reflect back on the world. In her photographic work, Julie Blackmon shows real and imagined aspects of her family life by capturing moments when children are crying, revealing a sense of a hectic home environment. Arthur Tress overlays images of children with images of games, school, and activities, again suggesting the Freudian concept that his adult self cannot accurately remember the feelings he originally felt as a child. Artist Kojo Griffin relies on his child psychology training to highlight relationships of children while possibly referencing Freud’s concept of “doubling”—self-love and narcissism found in children—in Untitled (2000). 

Child’s Play links the arts and social sciences to engage viewers in the different ways artists depict childhood. Child’s Play: An Exploration of Adolescence is curated by Jade Powers, assistant curator at Kemper Museum. 

Using the scene
of a playground
as the setting

use phrases and mix up?

Sunday, March 3, 2019

Titles for me to explore

Erasure poetry

Friday, March 1, 2019


So I've worked on a poem about going to the movies for a long time. Nothing sounded great, it sounded cliché, and movie goers know why they love the movies and trying to describe it breaks the magic.

Yet, my breakthrough has to do with reading Dorothea Lasky's Milk, how it is vulnerable. "Floral Pattern"

I feel super needy today
The worst part of admitting this
Is that no one will care
This is the pattern I see
When I close my eyes too quickly. . .

Writing about motherhood!

I remember compiling my list of poetry books and this one is one to add!
From St. Louis, too!
