Sunday, June 25, 2017

2017 Conference on Community Writing in Boulder Colorado

Wednesday, October 18
Overview Schedule

Highlander Center Pre-Conference Workshop 
Kitteridge Multipurpose Rooms C&D

Full-Conference Meet-and-Greet; registration opens (5:00pm-9:00pm)
Millennium Hotel Bar; happy hour prices, cash bar

Thursday, October 19
Overview Schedule

Registration         (7:00am-5:00pm)                               Aspen Room
                   Coffee (7:00am) This coffee break is sponsored in part by CU Engage, the CU Women’s and Gender Studies Department, and the CU Ethnic Studies Department.

Welcome    (8:00-8:15)                                         Center Ballroom
          John-Michael Rivera, Director, Program for Writing and Rhetoric
          David Meens, Director, Office of Outreach and Engagement

Chair’s Address   (8:15-8:30)                               Center Ballroom
          Veronica House: Community Writing In and As an Ecology

Workshops and DeepThink Tanks   (8:45-10:45)
          5 concurrent sessions

Session A Concurrent Panels (11:00-12:15)
          10 concurrent panels

Lunch and Keynote Address with Q&A    (12:15-1:45)    Center Ballroom, Ballroom East
Introduction by Andrea Feldman and Tracy Ferrell, Program for Writing and Rhetoric

Keynote: Elaine Richardson (The Ohio State University)

Workshops and DeepThink Tanks   (2:00-4:00)
          6 concurrent sessions

Networking Happy Hour        (4:00-5:00)                      Ballroom East

Performance           (Doors at 5:00; Performance at 5:15-6:15; Q&A 6:15-6:30)  Ballroom
“The Prison Story Project: On the Row,” with discussion facilitated by David Jolliffe

WORKSHOPS and DEEPTHINK TANKS    (8:45am-10:45am)

DEEPTHINK TANK: “Anti-Racism, Intersectionality, and Critical Literacies: A Teach-In and Work-In”
(Part One of Two-Day Event)
Steven Alvarez, St. John’s University
April Baker-Bell, Michigan State University
Carmen Kynard, John Jay College of Criminal Justice
Eric Darnell Pritchard, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign

“Mental Modeler: A Fuzzy Cognitive Mapping (FCM) Software Tool for Collecting and Standardizing Community Knowledge for Decision-Making”
Steven Gray, Michigan State University
Alison Singer, Michigan State University

“Cultivating Community College-University Relations across Writing Ecologies”
Christie Toth, University of Utah
Andrea Malouf, Salt Lake Community College; former director of Community Writing Center
Jennifer Courtney, Salt Lake Community College
Shauna Edson, Graduate Student Co-Researcher
Kelly Corbray, Transfer Student Co-Researcher
Anthony Magro III, Transfer Student Co-Researcher
Sandra Salazar-Hernandez, Transfer Student Co-Researcher
Claudia Sauz, Transfer Student Co-Researcher

“Developing Networks through Writing Centers and Writing Across the Curriculum”
Allen Brizee, Loyola University Maryland,
Tom Deans, University of Connecticut,
Jaclyn Wells, University of Alabama Birmingham,

“Place-Based Literacy Education in Rural Communities: Re-envisioning and Re-inventing Connections to Communities of Practice”
Cynthia Miecznikowski, University of North Carolina at Pembroke,
Laura Staal, University of North Carolina at Pembroke,


INVITED ROUNDTABLE: Writing Democracy: The Post-Trump Story Circle
Shannon Carter, Texas A&M-Commerce
Deborah Mutnick, Long Island University Brooklyn

Developing Critical, Reflexive Teacher-Scholar Stances That Resist Power in Past, Present, and Future Community Work
Chair: Sara P. Alvarez, Queens College, CUNY

Sara P. Alvarez, Queens College, CUNY, and Michelle Day, University of Louisville, “Trauma-Informed Culturally Sustaining Pedagogy: Working With Rising Sixth Grade Black and Latina Girls and Their Communities of Struggle”
Laura Gonzales, University of Texas-El Paso, “The Escuelita as a Network of Support: Theraputic Learning and Engagement Entre Familia”
Megen Farrow Boyett, University of Louisville, “Public Rhetorics and Literacy Practices of Refugee Mothers”

Writing in/as Community
Chair: Yvonne R. Teems, Hofstra University

Yvonne R. Teems, Hofstra University, “The Ecologies of Literacy Practices in a Grassroots Civic Organization”
Rebecca Powell, University of Southern Mississippi, “Of Aspirations and Circulation: Writing Promotoras and the Makings of Change”
Gina Keplinger, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, “The Poster Child of Louder Than a Bomb: How Badass Pedagogy Transforms Community Members into Community Leaders”
Frank Anderson, University of Maryland, Baltimore County, “Rhetorics of Resistance: Youth-led Organizing in Baltimore and the Potential of Emerging Technologies"

Prison Writing Ecologies: Perspectives of Teachers, Prisoners, and Correctional Administrators
Chair: Kelly Kinney, University of Wyoming

Kelly Kinney, University of Wyoming, “Distinctive Ecologies: Moving From a Course in First-Year Writing to a Workshop for Women in Prison”
Sarah Duncan, University of Wyoming, “Passing Notes Through Walls: The Department of Corrections’ Response to the Course”
Annie Osborn, University of Wyoming, Bryce Peterson, University of Wyoming, and Alison Berreman Johnshon, University of Wyoming, “Ecologies of Silence and Power: Incarcerated Women’s Responses to the Course”

Community Organizing and Activism
Chair: Tim Lockridge, Miami University of Ohio

Tim Lockridge, Miami University of Ohio, “DIY Locksmithing: Print Technologies and Hacker Advocacy”
Ljiljana Coklin, University of California Santa Barbara, “A Balancing Act: Discovering Individual Agency and Building Communities”
Jasmine Villa, University of Texas at El Paso, “Community Writing Using Twitter: Hashtags as a Network and Ecology”
Kathryn Comer, Portland State University, “Digital Activism Networks and Social Media Strategies: Building a #Blackfish Effect”

College Readiness and Transitions
Chair: Carly Johnson Hess, The University of Central Florida

Carly Johnson Hess, The University of Central Florida, "Thinking Beyond Grit: Student Support at a Community College Writing Center"
Lucas Corcoran, The Graduate Center, CUNY, “‘Languaging 101’: Local Language Ethnographies, Basic Writing, and the SEEK Program at John Jay College of Criminal Justice, CUNY”
Terainer Brown, University of Colorado Colorado Springs, “College Transition Programs and Writing: A Missed Opportunity?”

Community Publishing and Mapping
Chair: Deanna Laurette, Wayne State University

Deanna Laurette, Wayne State University, “Communicating Disability on Social Media --Representing, Disclosing, Curating on Internet Support Boards”
Allison Walker, High Point University, and Cara Kozma, High Point University, “Sustaining Networks of Engagement in an Ecology of Empathy”
Dawn Opel, Michigan State University, and John Monberg, Michigan State University, “Mapping the Network of the Clinical Trial: A Toolkit for Health Equity Activism”
Autumn Laws, Michigan State University, “Illness Online: How Online Tagging Creates URL and IRL Communities”

Moving From the Center: Connecting Writing Center Values in Community Partnerships
Chair: Bronwyn T. Williams, University of Louisville

Bronwyn T. Williams, University of Louisville, “Growing Spaces for Community Writing in the Ecology of Universities: Pedagogical and Political Change”
Jessica Newman, University of Louisville, “Listening and Conversation as Keys to Working with Individuals and Communities”
Carrie Cole, University of Louisville, “Taking the Long View: Sustainability Working with Students and Community Partners”
Chris Scheidler, University of Louisville, “Change and Compromise: Interrogating and
Responding to Issues of Power”

Writing as Ecology: How Writing Environments Shape Public Encounters
Chair: Katherine Silvester, Indiana University Bloomington

Katherine Silvester, Indiana University Bloomington
Joan Linton, Indiana University Bloomington
Laura Clapper, Indiana University Bloomington

Facing Change: A Collaborative Writing Model for Networking and Engaging Students, Faculty, and Institution with Community Voices
Chair: Deborah Romero, University of Northern Colorado

Patricia Jolly, University of Northern Colorado
Holly N. Roberts, University of Northern Colorado
Tyler Bedell, University of Northern Colorado


WORKSHOPS AND DEEPTHINK TANKS               (2:00-4:00)

DEEPTHINK TANK: Circulation and Ecologies
Laurie Gries, University of Colorado Boulder
Jenny Rice, University of Kentucky
Nathaniel Rivers, Saint Louis University
Kristen Seas Trader, University of Wisconsin-Whitewater
Michele Simmons, Miami University
John Tinnell, University of Colorado Denver

“‘What Is To Be Done?’: A Writing Democracy Workshop”
Shannon Carter, Texas A&M-Commerce
John Duffy, Notre Dame University
Carmen Kynard, John Jay College of Criminal Justice
Deborah Mutnick, Long Island University, Brooklyn

“Microaffiliation: Countering Microaggressions across Campus and Community Spaces”
Rasha Diab, The University of Texas at Austin
Beth Godbee, Marquette University

“Create, Engage, Write & Repeat with NY Writers Coalition”
Rose Gorman, NY Writers Coalition / The Tuxedo Project, Marygrove College
Aaron Zimmerman, NY Writers Coalition

DEEPTHINK TANK: Environmental/Food Justice and Communication
Kathryn Burleson, Conscious Alliance, Boulder, CO
Laurie Grobman, Penn State University-Berks
Justin Levy, Conscious Alliance, Boulder, CO
Donnie Sackey, Wayne State University
Stephanie Wade, Unity College

“Contemplative Practices for Community Work”
Stephanie Briggs, Community College of Baltimore County
Paula Mathieu, Boston College



THE PRISON STORY PROJECT: ON THE ROW is a production of the Northwest Arkansas Prison Story Project, which since 2011 has been sending teams of writers into prisons, leading writing workshops with the inmates, and then developing readers’ theatre scripts that are performed by professional actors both for the inmates who write the material and for public audiences. In the summer of 2016, the Prison Story Project undertook its most challenging initiative: eight inmates housed on Arkansas’ Death Row met with Prison Story Project workshop leaders one Saturday a month from May through September to read and discuss imaginative literature and write in response to issues, themes, and problems raised by it. ON THE ROW, the 70-minute script generated by the initiative, was performed on Death Row for the writers on October 8 and subsequently presented to large, enthusiastic public audiences in the weeks and months following the initial performance.

This event is sponsored by the Brown Chair in English Literacy at the University of Arkansas and by the CU Boulder Office for Outreach and Engagement.

Friday, October 20
Overview Schedule

Contemplative Practice (7:45-8:15)
          Facilitated by Paula Mathieu

Coffee         (8:00-8:30)

Session B Concurrent Panels   (8:30-9:45)
          10 concurrent panels

Session C Concurrent Panels  (10:00-11:15)
          10 concurrent panels

Lunch on your own       (11:15-12:45)
Meeting of Organization Planning Committee

Session D Concurrent Panels  (12:45-2:00)
          10 concurrent panels

Workshops and DeepThink Tanks   (2:15-4:15)

Coffee and Snack Break (4:15-4:45)

Performance        (5:00-6:30)
Elaine Richardson’s one-woman show, “PHD to Ph.D.: How Education Saved My Life”          


Intergenerational Dialogue Across Difference
Chair: Sarah Massey-Warren, University of Colorado Boulder

Cassandra Ellis, University of Alabama at Birmingham, “Ecology Through Technology with Cyber Seniors: Fostering Intergenerational Communication and Community”
Joyce Meier, Michigan State University, “Global Ecologies as Framework: A Community Project Involving International College Students and U.S. Third Graders”
Sarah Massey-Warren, University of Colorado Boulder, Jack Williamson, Community Member Director/Coordinator, and Frank Kogen, University of Colorado, “Developing Dialogical Edges for Intergenerational Communication”

Community Writing and Policing in City, Campus, and Classroom
Chair: Ben Kuebrich, West Chester University

Ben Kuebrich, West Chester University, “Community Literacy Can’t Deal With the Cops”
Vani Kannan, Syracuse University, “Policing the Campus Community”
Yanira Rodriguez, Syracuse University, “The Courage to Teach in These Times: On Classroom Narratives and the Policing of Pedagogies”

Theories of Sound, Space, and the Post Human
Chair: Mary Hocks, Georgia State University

Mary Hocks, Georgia State University, “Sonic Ecologies as a Path for Activism”
Erin Brock Carlson, Purdue University, “Towards an Intersectional Theory of Community Engagement”
Summer Dickinson, Indiana University of Pennsylvania, “A Study of the Spatial-Rhetorical Function of objects of protest in Public Writing Within the Collective Activism Surrounding Sacred Stone Protest Networks”
McKinley Green, The University of Minnesota –Twin Cities, “Toward a Praxis of Listening: Rhetorical Listening as Public Engagement in First-Year Composition”

Creating Sustainable Service Learning: Navigating Institutional and Community Accountability
Chair: Jonathan Isaac

Mary Fiorenza, University of Wisconsin-Madison, “Managing, Collaborating, and Letting Go: How to Support Instructor Innovations in Service Learning while Doing the WPA’s Job”
Julia Garrett, University of Wisconsin-Madison, “Schools of Hope: Cooperative Tensions for Addressing the Literacy Achievement Gap”
Kassia Krzus-Shaw, University of Wisconsin-Madison, “When Resources Work Against You: Merging Two-Year and Four-Year College Service Learning Conversations”
Jonathan Isaac, University of Wisconsin-Madison, “Peaceful Transfer of Instruction: Turning a Pilot Course into a Sustained Partnership”

Eco-Pedagogy and Eco-Literacy
Chair: Christina J.G. Lane, Oklahoma State University

Christina J.G. Lane, Oklahoma State University, “Ecological Community Literacy through Nature Notebooks”
Marsha E. Williams, Tennessee State University, “Green Kabaret: Linking Environmental Advocacy to the Humanities”
Kendall Leon, California State University, Chico, “Designing Environmental Advocacy Projects for Writing Students”

INVITED DISCUSSION with Eli Goldblatt: Community Writing in a Time of Violence

Zines as Intervention
Chair: Jen England, Hamline University

Jen England, Hamline University, “Writing in Uncertain Times: Zines as Community Building”
Kristen Spickard, University of Central Arkansas,, “The CitiZine Project: Self-Publishing as Political Action”
Lesley Graybeal, University of Central Arkansas, “The CitiZine Project: Self-Publishing as Political Action”

Mobilizing Partnership Networks
Chair: Petger Schaberg, University of Colorado Boulder

Angela Sowa, University of Denver, and Sarah Hart Micke, University of Denver, “Betwixt and Between Communities: Co-Curricular Community Engagement and Its Discontents”
Petger Schaberg, University of Colorado Boulder, “Not All Stakeholders are Created Equal!: Stakeholder Theory for Successful Outcomes” 
Alexis F. Piper, Lakeland University, “’Sometimes I Feel Like Those Professors are Speaking Freaky Deaky Dutch’: How Code Switching Can Build Community Networks Outside the Academy”
Daniel Singer, University of Denver, ‘If Only I Could Do More’: Ambition, Effective Altruism, and Iterability in Community-Engaged Writing”

Feminist Connections and Outreach: Building Networks for Women and Girls
Chair: Jennifer Bay, Purdue University

Becca Hayes, University of Missouri-Columbia, “We’re a Very Connected Community, Very, Very Interconnected: Engaging Lesbian Community Through Rhetorics of Gathering”
Carrie Grant, Purdue University, “From Community Outreach to For-Profit Tech Camps: Technofeminist Interventions into Girls’ Digital Literacies”
Wendy Vergoz, Marian University, “Life in These Bones: A Community/University Partnership in a 21st Century Women’s Writing Workshop”
Jennifer Bay, Purdue University, “Women Mentoring Women: Rhetorical Networks Across Institutional and Community Settings”

Cross-Cultural Dialogues
Chair: Tamera Marko, Emerson College

Tamera Marko, Emerson College, Ryan Catalani, MobilityMovilidad.Org, Mario Ernesto Osorio, Emerson College, Ramiro Soto, Emerson College, “Proyecto Carrito: Our Translingual Pro-immigrant Writing Collective Moves Nationwide”
(40 minute slot)
Andrea Feldman, University of Colorado Boulder, and Pilar Prostko, “Fostering Inclusive Communities Through Dialogue”
(20 minute slot)


INVITED ROUNDTABLE: Learning Together:  Gathering Resources for Feminist Community Writing 
Co-chairs: Jenn Fishman, Marquette University , and Megan Faver Hartline, Trinity College

Jenn Fishman, Marquette University
Megan Faver Hartline, Trinity College
Ruth Cary, Widener University
Muthoni Mahachi, Hofstra University
Yvonne R. Teems, Hofstra University
Jayne Thompson, Widener University

Race, History, Place
Chair: April O’Brien, Clemson University

April O’Brien, Clemson University, “Bleeding Borders: How Difference is Constructed Through Material Spaces”
Michael Dimmick, University of Houston Downtown, “The Green Book: Increased Mobility, Community Writing, and African American Rhetorics of Citizenship”
Rachel C. Jackson, University of Oklahoma, “Decolonizing Community Writing: Story, Transrhetorical Resistance, and Indigenous Cultural Literacy Activism”
Tamara Butler, Michigan State University, “BlackGirlPraxis: Writing to Heal, Transform, and Connect”

Beyond Reciprocity: Toward a Model for Assessing Institutional Impact
Chair: Naomi Clark, Loras College

Naomi Clark, Loras College
Maggie Baker, Loras College
Beth McGorry, St. Mark’s Youth Enrichment
Justin Ellis, Iowa Campus Compact

Grapevining at the CCW: Making Our Own Stories in a Live Story-Creating Event
Story Facilitators:
Nichole Lariscy, University of Alabama Birmingham
Cynthia Mwenja, University of Alabama Birmingham
Kyes Stevens, Auburn University and Alabama Prison Arts Education Project

High Impact Community Engagement Practices in Topeka, Kansas
Chair: Melanie Burdick, Washburn University

Melanie Burdick, Washburn University
Mary Sheldon, Washburn University
Dennis Etzel, Jr., Washburn University
Jennifer Pacioianu, Washburn University

Prisons, Cops, and Technology as Activism
Chair: Michael Knievel, University of Wyoming

Rachel Lewis, Northeastern University, “Queer Connections: Defining Community Writing in the Age of Mass Incarceration”
Wendy Hinshaw, Florida Atlantic University, “Why I Write: Advocacy from the Inside Out”
Michael Knievel, University of Wyoming, “Copwatching and Community “Writing”: Remediating, Circulating, Participating”

Centering Community Knowledges in Engagement Partnerships: From Joint Advisory Boards in Program Administration to Local Publics in the Classroom
Chair: Eli Goldblatt

Rachael Wendler Shah, University of Nebraska—Lincoln, “Building a Joint Advisory Board: A Rationale for Situated Joint Sponsorship”
Brad Jacobson, University of Arizona, “Building a Joint Advisory Board: Expanding Networks of Practice”
Adam Hubrig, University of Nebraska—Lincoln, “Scaffolding Student-Composed Local Publics”

Food and Digital Communities
Chair: Eric Sepenoski, Northeastern University

Eric Sepenoski, Northeastern University, “The Farmer Writes: Creating and Sustaining Community-Sponsored Agriculture through Digital Composition”
Kelli Gill, Michigan State University, “How to (News)feed a Crowd: Collaboration and Transformation in Digital Food Communities”
Sarah Moon, University of Connecticut, “Lassoing Many Moons: Discursive Ecology Work in a Food-Centered Community Writing Project”

Online Community Writing Projects: Building Global Networks to Support Local Action
Chair: Lisa Dush, DePaul University

Lisa Dush, DePaul University
Travis Rejman, Goldin Institute
Delasha Long, DePaul University

ROUNDTABLE: “The Arts of Discernment in Assessing (and Participating in) Embodied Protest”
Co-facilitators: Nancy Welch, University of Vermont
Tony Scott, Syracuse University

LUNCH on your own        (11:15-12:45)
          Meeting of Organization Planning Committee

SESSION D CONCURRENT PANELS             (12:45-2:00)

INVITED ROUNDTABLE: Decolonizing Rhetoric and Composition Studies: New Latinx Keywords for Theory and Pedagogy Author Discussion
Co-chairs: Iris Ruiz, University of California Merced, and Raúl Sanchez, University of Florida

Steven Alvarez, St. John’s University
Marcos Del Hierro, University of New Hampshire
Iris Ruiz, University of California Merced
Raúl Sanchez, University of Florida
Candace Zepeda, Our Lady of the Lake University
José Cortez, University of Arizona

Tracing the Untraceable: Exploring Circulation’s Invisible Effects on Communities
Chair: John Silvestro, Miami University

John Silvestro, Miami University, “Envisioning Circulation”
Jon Bradshaw, Western Carolina University, “(In)Visible Debts and Communities at Risk”
Kellie Sharp-Hoskins, New Mexica State University, “Slow Circulation and Community Advocacy”
Chris Mays, University of Nevada, Reno, “Tracking the Circulation of Rhetorical

ROUNDTABLE: Community Writing as Cultural Entrepreneurship: Are We Ready for Critical-Entrepreneurial Rhetorics?
Chair: Paul Feigenbaum, Florida International University

Paul Feigenbaum, Florida International University
Ben Lauren, Michigan State University
Danielle Nicole DeVoss, Michigan State University
Stacey Pigg, NC State University

Studying Place Across Difference
Chair: Rosanne Carlo, College of Staten Island (CUNY)

Julie O’Connell, and Melissa MacAlpin, Felician University, “Ten Years After Katrina: The Flooded Physical and Rhetorical Ecosystems of New Orleans”
Jennifer Maloy, Queensborough Community College,, and Nancy Pine, Columbus State Community College, Delaware Campus, “The History of Now: Recovering and Exchanging Oral Histories Across Regions”
Rosanne Carlo, College of Staten Island (CUNY), “Gentrifying New York City: Place-Based Curriculum as Community Writing at CUNY
Jessica Pisano, University of North Carolina, Asheville, and Patrick Bahls, UNCA, “Uncovering Local Ecologies: Writing to Explore in Linked First-Year Courses”

Mobilizing Community Conversations
Chair: Carol Spaulding-Kruse, Drake University

Erec Smith, York College of Pennsylvania, "Building Bridges: The Efficacy of Community Radio in Civic Engagement"
Scott Chiu and Ariana Nelson, California Lutheran University, “Community Literacy Initiatives that Explore Margins and Map the Writing Ecology Around a Small Private University”
Carol Spaulding-Kruse, Drake University, “‘Find Out for Yourself:’ Community Publishing and (the Pedagogy of) Post-Composition”

Show Some Skin: Live, Remixed, and Flexible Rhetorics for Social Change
Chair: Cecilia Lucero, University of Notre Dame

Nicole MacLaughlin, University of Notre Dame
Cecilia Lucero, University of Notre Dame
Patrick Clauss, University of Notre Dame

Creating Spaces for Change
Chair: Juliette Kitchens, Nova Southeastern University

Karina Lozano, Nova Southeastern University, Juliette Kitchens, Nova Southeastern University, Kelly Concannon, Nova Southeastern University, and Sami Epstein, Nova Southeastern University, “Collaboration and Contention: Reflections on Building a Literacy Center” (30-minute presentation)
Kristen Kaschock, Drexel University, and Rachel Wenrick, Drexel University, “Writers Room: Nudging Systems Towards Transformation” (30-minute presentation)

A Community Writing Center’s Role in Catalyzing Community Engagement and Understanding
Chair: Collett Litchard, Salt Lake Community College Community Writing Center

Collett Litchard, Salt Lake Community College Community Writing Center, Jesse Focht, Salt Lake Community College Community Writing Center, and Melissa Helquist, Salt Lake Community College Community Writing Center, “Employing Usability Testing to Increase Community Engagement” (30-min presentation)
Alice Lopez, University of Utah, and Justice Morath, Salt Lake Community College Community Writing Center, “You Won’t Believe What’s In This Talk!  Writing For Change in New Rhetorical Landscapes” (30-minute presentation)

Building Community Partnerships to Achieve Transformational and Lifelong Learning
Chair: Melinda Knight, Montclair State University

Melinda Knight, Montclair State University
Alice Beresin and Alicia Remolde, Montclair State University
Melinda Knight, Montclair State University
Laura Lubrano, Montclair State University

Migrations: Toward an Interdisciplinary Ecology
Chair: Shanyn Fiske, Rutgers University, Camden

Shanyn Fiske, Rutgers University, Camden
Kaja Brix, University of Alaska, Fairbanks
Leslie Rapparlie, University of Colorado, Colorado Springs
Jessica Isaac, Books@Work

Positioning and Assessing Writing in the Contact Zone
Chair: Morgan Read-Davidson, Chapman University

Morgan Read-Davidson, Chapman University, “Reconceiving the Community Writing
Workshop as Complex System”
Jan Osborn, Chapman University, “At the Edge of Chaos”
Lance Langdon, Chapman University and University of California, Irvine, “The Business of Ethnography and the Ethnography of Business”


DEEPTHINK TANK: “Anti-Racism, Intersectionality, and Critical Literacies: A Teach-In and Work-In”
(Part Two of Two-Day Event)
Steven Alvarez, St. John’s University
April Baker-Bell, Michigan State University
Carmen Kynard, John Jay College of Criminal Justice
Eric Darnell Pritchard, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign

Jonathan Alexander, CCC
Katie Comer and Kelly Bradbury, Harlot
Paul Feigenbaum and John Warnock, Community Literacy Journal
Laurie Gries, enculturation
Mariana Grohowski, Journal of Veterans Studies
Tara Lockhart and Juli Parrish, Literacy in Composition Studies
Deborah Mutnick and Laurie Grobman, Reflections
Steve Parks, Studies in Writing and Rhetoric, NCTE

“Blues You Can Use: Protest Songwriting Workshop”
Brian Laidlaw, University of Denver

DEEPTHINK TANK: “Feminisms, Activism, and Community Writing”
Jenn Fishman, Chair, Marquette University
Heather Branstetter, Executive Director, Historic Wallace Preservation Society
Mariana Grohowski, Faculty liaison between student veterans organization and nonprofit, Indiana University Southeast
Erin Krampetz, Board Member, Watson University and Amani Institute
Sagashus T. Levingston, Founder of Infamous Mothers
Tessa Zimmerman, Founder of ASSET Education

“Exploring, Curating, and Creating: Using Digital Rhetorical Tools for Archival Work”
Michael Neal, Florida State University
Courtney Rivard, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
Tarez Samra Graban, Florida State University

Networking Coffee and Snack Break (4:15-4:45)

“PHD to Ph.D.: How Education Saved My Life”
Elaine Richardson’s One-woman Performance 
Friday, October 20, 5:00-6:30; doors at 4:30

Addicted to drugs, abusive controlling pimps, the streets, short stints in jail, the cycle of death that was her life, and on top of that, pregnant AGAIN.  It was the end. The only way out was death or prison, but that wasn’t her fate.  Instead, she went to school… and never stopped.  On her journey, she became empowered with knowledge of her culture and history. Today, Dr. Elaine Richardson shares her story of sexual exploitation and other forms of bondage to bring awareness to the plight of those entrapped in urban domestic human trafficking, and to promote healing and empowerment through education.

This event is funded by the (IMPART) Implementation of Multicultural Perspectives and Approaches in Research and Teaching Awards Program, by the CU Boulder Office for Outreach and Engagement, and by the CU Boulder Office for Diversity, Equity, and Community Engagement.

Saturday, October 21
Overview Schedule

Coffee (8:00-8:30)  This coffee break is sponsored by the Colorado State University English Department.

Session E Concurrent Panels  (8:30-9:45)
10 concurrent panels

Session F Concurrent Panels  (10:00-11:15)
10 concurrent panels

Awards Lunch and Keynote Address  (11:15-12:45)
          Award for Outstanding College/Community Project in Community Writing  (presented by Allen Brizee)
Award for Outstanding Book in Community Writing  (presented by Beverly Moss)
Award for Distinguished Engaged Scholar in Community Writing  (presented by Eli Goldblatt)

Keynote Address: Ellen Cushman

Session G Concurrent Panels   (1:00-2:15)
10 concurrent panels

Session H Concurrent Panels (2:30-3:45)
10 concurrent panels

Coffee and Snack Break          (3:45-4:00)

Full Conference Reflective Discussion and Action Steps through IMPROV PERFORMANCE
Facilitated by Playback Theater West 


Resilient, Community Engaged, and at Maximum Capacity: Doing More With a Network
Chair: Sarah Stanley, University of Alaska Fairbanks

Suzanne Bishop, University of Alaska Fairbanks
Chanelle Fournier, University of Alaska Fairbanks
Jennifer Tilbury, University of Alaska Fairbanks
Kendell Newman Sadiik, University of Alaska Fairbanks
Jody Hassell, Blossom House
Sarah Stanley, University of Alaska Fairbanks

Microbial Lessons Toward a Trophic Model of Community
Chair: Jeremiah Dyehouse, University of Rhode Island

Caroline Gottschalk Druschke, University of Wisconsin-Madison, and Lily Lewis, University of Florida, “Community Building in Extreme Environments: Lessons from Sphagnum Moss Microbiome”
Jodie Nicotra, University of Idaho, "Imperfect Community Is All You Get: Counterlessons from the Human Food Project"
Jeremiah Dyehouse, University of Rhode Island, "Barnyard Sensations: What Rind-washed Cheeses Can Teach us About Trophic Models of Community"

Civic Engagement and Composition: Inquiry around Freedom, History, & Politics in our Current Democracy
Chair: Michelle Baptiste, University of California, Berkeley

Amy Jamgochian, Prison University Project, San Quentin State Prison, “Practices of
Enfranchisement: Lessons from the Prison University Project at San Quentin State Prison”
Grace Morizawa, Education Coordinator, National Japanese American Historical Society, In collaboration with: Bay Area Writing Project & the National Park Service
“From Tule Lake to the Classroom:  What Is Loyalty in a Japanese American Concentration Camp?”
Michelle Baptiste, University of California, Berkeley “Engaging in Democracy: Political Discourse Analysis in a University Classroom”

Drawing from History to Engage in the Present
Chair: Phyllis Mentzell Ryder, The George Washington University

Phyllis Mentzell Ryder, The George Washington University, “#Black Lives Matter, Civil Disobedience, and the Networked Protest Model”
Michael-John DePalma, Baylor University, “Archives as Resources for In(ter)vention in Community-Based Writing”
Connie Snyder Mick, University of Notre Dame, “A Community Writing Approach to Wicked Problems: Lessons from Poverty Studies”
Alice Horning, Oakland University, “Community-Based Literacy Then and Now: Lessons from the Past”

Ethics, Narrative, and Ethnographic Research Methods in Community-Based, Online Health Research
Chair: Lori Beth De Hertogh, James Madison University

Lori Beth De Hertogh, James Madison University, “Feminist Digital Research Methodology for Rhetoricians of Health and Medicine”
Lindsey Macdonald, Purdue University, Cyber-Ethnographic Research Methods for Online Health Research”
Katrina Hinson, Tarleton State University, “Networked Narratives: Illness Related Facebook Support Groups”

Community Writing Centers
Chair: Philip Bode, North Dakota State University

Philip Bode, North Dakota State University, "‘The World at Large': Expanding Writing Centers into Marginalized Community Spaces”
Chessie Alberti, Oregon State University, “Doing It in Public: Community Writing Centers as Empowering Publics”
Mark Latta, Marian University, “Critical Collaborations: Advocacy and Public Literacies in Imagining a Community Writing Center”  
Helen Raica-Klotz and Chris Giroux, Saginaw Valley State University, “Locally Grown, Locally Produced: The Farmers’ Market Model of a Community Writing Center”

Students Involved in Sustaining Their Arkansas (SISTA): Collaborative Writing to Revitalize Economically Struggling Communities
Chair: David Jolliffe, University of Arkansas

David Jolliffe, University of Arkansas
Julia Paganelli-Marin, University of Arkansas
Jonathan Green, University of Arkansas

Access to/through Writing
Chair: Glenn Hutchinson, Florida International University

Alison Turner, University of Denver, “The Role of Writing in Low-Cost Adult Literacy Programs: A Denver Case Study”
Talisha Haltiwanger Morrison, Purdue University, “Frameworks for Writing Disability: A Service-Learning Partnership with a Campus Disability Resource Center” 
Glenn Hutchinson, Florida International University, “Networks of Action: Undocumented Students and the Writing Classroom”

Constructing Digital and Material Networks in Community-Based Composition Studies
Chair: Robin Wharton, Georgia State University

Robin Wharton, Georgia State University, “Place-Based Pedagogy: Locating Composition Within the Atlanta Studies Network”
Ashley J. Holmes, Georgia State University, “Place-Based Mobile Composition: Grounding Digital Writing in Local Community”
Jessica Estep, Georgia Gwinnett College, “Expanding Community Ecosystems by Examining the Material Space of the Street”

Technical, Science, and Business Communication
Chair: Sean McCarthy, James Madison University

Sean McCarthy, James Madison University, “Blurred Lines: Community Writing and Its Relation to Social Innovation in Higher Education”
Lenny Grant, Syracuse University, and Cassandra Hockman, Virginia Tech, “The Teacher-Student-Practitioner Network: Authentic Learning in an Intra-Institutional Science Writing Collaboration”
Seth Myers, University of Colorado Boulder, “Hacking community: Social science methodology applied in digital communities”


INVITED TALK AND DISCUSSION with Steve Parks: Transnational Partnerships with Syria/Tunisia

Leveraging Linguistic Networks to Promote Community Action on the Borderlands
Chair: Isabel Baca, University of Texas at El Paso

Isabel Baca, University of Texas at El Paso
Laura Gonzales, University of Texas at El Paso
Victor Del Hierro, University of Texas at El Paso

Mapping the Entanglements of Community Spaces
Chair: Cynthia Fields, Augusta University

Kristen Seas Trader, University of Wisconsin-Whitewater, “Rhetorical Contagion and the Mimetic Entanglements of Community”
Cynthia Fields, Augusta University, “Re-writing Spaces for Social Action: The Limits of Ecology and the Affordances of Spatial Justice”
Nicole Frisbey, Texas A&M University San Antonio, “Mapping Thirdspace Writing in Communities”

Life Sentences: Citizenship and Composition in Liminal Ecologies
Chair: Emily Artiano, University of Southern California

Emily Artiano, University of Southern California, “Writing in the Expansive Ecology of Dehumanization”
Ben Pack, University of Southern California, "Taking on Transition: Pedagogical and Personal Shifts in the Workshop Over Time" 
John Murray, University of Southern California, “Memoir as a Tool for Negotiating Conflicting Identities"
Stephanie Bower, University of Southern California, “Sitting on the Porch or at the Table: Complicity and Resistance in the Writing Workshop"

ROUNDTABLE: Service-Learning, Civic Engagement, and Black Subjectivities: The Literacy Narratives of Black Columbus
Chair: Sara Wilder, University of Maryland, College Park

Beverly J. Moss, The Ohio State University
Sherita V. Roundtree, The Ohio State University
Gavin P. Johnson, The Ohio State University
Michael Blancato, The Ohio State University
Sara Wilder, University of Maryland, College Park

Engaging Students Through Ethical Inquiry
Chair: Teri Crisp, UC Berkeley

Teri Crisp, University of California Berkeley, "Ecological Ethics: Sources of Inspiration"
Michelle Baptiste, University of California Berkeley, "Education in Action: Environmental Field Studies"
Donnett Flash, University of California Berkeley, "Ordinary Conversations as Site for Analyzing Ethics"

Digital Circulation and Community Writing: Expert, Novice, and WPA Network Theory
Chair: James Donelan, University of California Santa Barbara

James Donelan, University of California Santa Barbara
Christopher Dean, University of California Santa Barbara
Kathy Patterson, University of California Santa Barbara

Fostering Ecological Relationships: A Rhizomatic Snapshot of Local Language, Literacy, and Writing Needs at Cal State Los Angeles
Chair: Kathryn Perry, California State University Los Angeles

Kathryn Perry, California State University Los Angeles
Aaron Sonnenschein, California State University Los Angeles
Christopher Harris, California State University Los Angeles
Nora Cisneros, California State University Los Angeles

Community Literacy in the Age of Big Data: An Advocacy Strategy
Chair: Linda Adler-Kassner, University of California Santa Barbara

Linda Adler-Kassner, University of California Santa Barbara
Heidi Estrem, Boise State University
Dawn Shepherd, Boise State University
Susan Miller-Cochran, University of Arizona

Challenges and Opportunities: Crafting Infrastructures for University and Public Work
Chair: Lara Smith-Sitton, Kennesaw State University

Don Unger, St. Edward’s University, “Building University Infrastructure for Service and Engagement through Network* Writing”
Christina Santana, Worcester State University, “For Us, Them, and Our Students: Growing an Interdisciplinary Ecology through a Writing Liaison Program”
Lara Smith-Sitton, Kennesaw State University, “Programmatic Concerns: Identifying Partners and Creating Infrastructures for Community-Based Projects"
Megan Faver Hartline, Trinity College, Developing Transdisciplinary Networks for Community-Engaged Research” 

AWARDS LUNCH and KEYNOTE ADDRESS     (11:15-12:45)
Award for Outstanding College/Community Project in Community Writing  (presented by Allen Brizee)
Award for Outstanding Book in Community Writing  (presented by Beverly Moss)
Award for Distinguished Engaged Scholar in Community Writing  (presented by Eli Goldblatt)

Keynote: Ellen Cushman


The Idea of a Writer’s House: Realizing Civic Engagement on Cooper Street in Camden
Chair: Bill FitzGerald, Rutgers University—Camden

Bill FitzGerald, Rutgers University—Camden
Leah Falk, Rutgers University—Camden
Travis DuBose, Rutgers University—Camden
Sevé Torres, Rutgers University—Camden

Ecologies of the Borderlands Studies Digital Archive Project: Using Digital Humanities to “Write” Histories with Greater Complexity
Chair: Regina McManigell Grijalva, Oklahoma City University

Regina McManigell Grijalva, Oklahoma City University
Sarah dAngelo, Brown University
Joseph Meinhart, Oklahoma City University
Mark Griffin, Oklahoma City University
Joy Pendley, University of Oklahoma

Politics, “Truth,” and Assessments Emerging in Service-Learning Composition Courses
Chair: Tara Lockhart, San Francisco State University

Anita Cabrera, San Francisco State University, “The Space and Place of Now: Community Writing in a Sanctuary City”
Jerome Schwab, San Francisco State University, "Birth of a Notion: Politics are Personal"
Amy Latham, San Francisco State University, “An Ecology of “Alternative Facts”; Teaching Truth in an Age of Misinformation”
Emma Rogers, San Francisco State University and Tara Lockhart, San Francisco State
University, “Ecological Assignments: Using Student Feedback to Prompt Change”

Sustaining Performative Interventions in Academic Labor: Theory, Institution, Activism
Chair: Sarah Austin, United States Air Force Academy Prep School

Lydia Page, “Frankly, Scarlet, I don’t give a damn!”
Sue Doe, Colorado State University, “Updating Campus Activism for Broad Purposes”
Sarah Austin, United States Air Force Academy Prep School, “Adjunct Activism – Enacting Tangible Changes in Curricula, Campus Activities and Human Resources”
Vani Kannan, Syracuse University, “Academic Labor as Embodied Performance: Popular Theater as a Coalitional Pedagogy”

ROUNDTABLE: Self-Publication and Community Writing
Chair: Steve Parks, Syracuse University

Eli Goldblatt, Temple University, “The Legacy of Hal Adams: Journal of Ordinary Thought and Real Connections
Tobi Jacobi, Colorado State University, and Mary Ellen Sanger, Colorado State University, “SpeakOut! Writers on Self-Publication: Reflections from Community Writing”
Michelle Curry, Colorado State University, “Dignifying Quieted Voices: The Role of Self-Publication in Community Writing”
Paula Mathieu, Boston College, “The Question of Sustainability and Self-Publishing: Street Papers and the Challenge of the Long Haul”
Steve Parks, Syracuse University, "Learning from the Past: The Federation of Worker Writers and Community Publishers Archive" 

Assessing Consequences for Our Community Partner: Results from a Study of Writing for Change
Chair: Heather Lindenman, Elon University

Justin Lohr, University of Maryland, College Park
Heather Lindenman, Elon University
Carly Finkelstein, Northwestern High School

Environmental Communication
Chair: Alison Singer, Michigan State University

Alison Singer, Michigan State University, “Translating Community Narratives into Semi-Quantitative Models to Understand the Dynamics of Socio-environmental Crises”
Daniel Wuebben, University of Nebraska Omaha, “Writing to Reroute Power Lines, or, “You Think Rhetoric’s Gonna Keep That Crap Off My Land?!”
Analisa Skeen, Michigan State University, “Wilderness Regulations and Decolonial Possibility in the National Park Service”
Cassandra Hockman, Virginia Tech, “’Science gave me voice’: Citizen Scientists, Writing, and Community in the Virginia Tech-Flint, Michigan Collaboration”

Food Literacies
Chair: Michael Pennell, University of Kentucky

Michael Pennell, University of Kentucky, “Addressing the Networks of Hunger on College Campuses”
Steven Alvarez, St. John’s University, “Taco Literacies: Mexican Foodways Writing in the Bluegrass”
Molly Kugel-Merkner, University of Denver, “Emily Dickinson’s Botanical Legacy, Community Gardens, and Poetic Pedagogy”
Tara E. Friedman, Widener University,, Patricia M. Dyer, Widener University, “Generating Powerful Voices: ‘Farming’ Local Change and Sustainability Through Writing”

Poetry Outreach for Veterans, Prisoners, and Students: Creating a Responsive Flow Infrastructure from the Inside Out
Chair: Laurie Cella, Shippensburg University

Laurie Cella, Shippensburg University
Nicole Santalucia, Shippensburg University
Abby Murray, University of Washington

Networked Literacy
Chair: Jennifer M. Cunningham, Kent State University at Stark

Sarah Puett, University of Minnesota, Twin Cities, “"Counterpublic Community Literacy: A Look at Local Resistance."
Joe Concannon, The University of Washington Seattle, “Šǝqačib: Networking Memory, Native Identity, and Community Partnership”
Amy McCleese Nichols, University of Louisville, “Mapping Literacy Infrastructure: Networked Sponsorship in a Rural Community”
Jennifer M. Cunningham, Kent State University at Stark, “The Ecologically Interdependent Nature of Digital African American Language”


Cultivating Ecologies of Transgressive Community Literacy Through Engaged Practicum Experiences
Chair: Lori Bable, University of Arizona

Sally Benson, University of Arizona, “Evolution of an Unlikely Writers’ Group”
Rachel Buck, University of Arizona, “Emotional Costs and Reciprocal Care in Community Literacy Work”
Lori Bable, University of Arizona, “Cultivating Vital Community Literacies with Radical Relationality”

It Takes A Village to Raise a Children’s Book
Chair: Danny Long, University of Colorado Boulder

Danny Long, University of Colorado Boulder
Barbara Losoff, University of Colorado
Deborah Hollis, University of Colorado
Stephanie Briggs, Bear Creek Elementary School

The Potentials of Identity Expression in Digital Ecologies: Exploring Performance and Representation in Facebook, Fanfiction, and Avatars
Facilitator: Ellen Cushman, Northeastern University

Cara Messina, Northeastern University
Matthew Hitchcock, Northeastern University
Sandra Nelson, The University of Pittsburgh (paper read by Cara Messina)

Community Writing Pedagogies: From Pre-Revolutionary Foundations to Contemporary FYC Applications
Chair: Jaime Armin Mejía, Texas State University

Jaime Armin Mejía, Texas State University, “The Pre-Revolutionary Origins of Community Writing in Moral Philosophy Classes”
Arielle Solcher, Texas State University, “Community Writing and Service-Learning Pedagogy for Pro-Environmental Change”
Emily Rybarski, Texas State University, “Intergenerational Contact: Writing For and About Our Elderly”
Arun Raman, Texas State University, “First Year Composition Civic Engagement After the Social Turn”

Post Truth, Fake News, and Information Literacy
Chair: Rolf Norgaard, University of Colorado Boulder

Desiree Dighton, North Carolina State University, “Critical Literacy: Social Networks and the Rhetoric of Protest”
Rolf Norgaard, University of Colorado Boulder, “Information in a Post-Truth World: Impacts and Opportunities for Community Writing and Information Literacy Education”
Caroline Sinkinson, University of Colorado Boulder, “Information in a Post-Truth World: Impacts and Opportunities for Community Writing and Information Literacy Education”

Mapping Assets, Data Visualization, and Assessment
Chair: Lev Szentkiralyi, University of Colorado Boulder

Heather Noel Turner, Michigan State University, “Practices, Approaches, and Commitments for Culturally Inclusive Community Work”
Karen Rowan, California State University – San Bernardino, “Towards a Center for Community Writing: An Asset-Based Case Study of San Bernardino’s Community Cultural Wealth”
Alexandra Cavallaro, California State University – San Bernardino, “Towards a Center for Community Writing: An Asset-Based Case Study of San Bernardino’s Community Cultural Wealth”
Lev Szentkiralyi, University of Colorado Boulder, “How Writing Instruction Improves the Service-Learning Experience: An Empirical Test”

Building Networks with Vets and Homeless
Chair: Lauren Rosenberg, New Mexico State University

Lauren Rosenberg, New Mexico State University, “What’s Community Got to Do with It? One Military Writer’s Reluctance to Identify as a Veteran”
Mariana Grohowski, Indiana University Southeast, “What’s Community Got to Do with It? On the Internet, Nobody Knows I'm a Veteran"
Karen Springsteen, Wayne State University, “Micro-politics: How Working with Veterans’ Writing Groups Informed a Community Writing Initiative in Detroit”
Trinity Overmyer, Purdue University, “A Human Network, Materialized: Built Infrastructure and Rhetorical Force”

Chair: Doug Dupler, University of Colorado Boulder

Doug Dupler, University of Colorado Boulder, ???
Megan Kelly, University of Denver, “Teaching Sustainability through Community-Engaged Writing: What Do Students Learn?”
Robert Eric Shoemaker, Naropa University, Sarah Escue, Naropa University, and Emily Duffy, Naropa University, “Redefining Eco-Pedagogy for Community Praxis” (30 min)

ROUNDTABLE: Expanding Literacy Networks and Ecologies through a Community Press
Chair: Christopher Wilkey, Northern Kentucky University

Christopher Wilkey, Northern Kentucky University
Brian Bailie, University of Cincinnati, Blue Ash College
Alice Skirtz, Greater Cincinnati Homeless Coalition
Jennifer Arens, Peaslee Neighborhood Center

Public Writing Pedagogy
Chair: Tyler Branson, University of Toledo

Tyler Branson, University of Toledo, “Public Ecologies: A Micro Case Study of Public Writing Pedagogy”
Brenda Glascott, Portland State University, “Lessons From the Micropublic: Activist Rhetorics and the Teaching of Writing”
Carolyn Commer, Virginia Tech, “Writing for Non-Profit Clients: Helping Students Articulate Rhetorical Expertise”
Darrel Elmore, Florida International University, “Virtual Village: Community Engagement in the Online Classroom”

Coffee and Snack Break          (3:45-4:00)

“Why We Strive”
Facilitated Closing Plenary & Performance, with Playback Theatre West
Saturday, October 21, 4:00-5:30

Playback Theatre is founded upon the idea that stories shape our lives and build community. For nearly 30 years, the professional actors and musicians of Playback Theatre West have used this form to facilitate both personal and community sharing, healing, and growth. Audience members share a story from their lives and professional improvisers turn them into art, on the spot.

This unique and interactive not-to-be-missed closing event will allow us to bring together participants from across the conference, to explore shared themes and forge connections between our work, our current/future challenges, and our shared visions.  Playback’s fluidly dynamic, embodied forms invite us to visualize more clearly the ways in which the dynamics behind our conference themes write themselves upon the world and affect us as whole persons and interrelating communities.

In this facilitated closing plenary, conference participants will be invited to share moments or insights from the conference, our lives, and our individual and collective work – which will be “translated” into professional theater, movement, and song, in the moment and on the spot.



Betsy Bowen, Fairfield University, “‘Inspired Engagement’: Community Writing in a Mission-Driven Institution”

Deborah Romero, Emily Anderson, Amy Rodearmel, Yael Schechter, Shanda Torres, University of Northern Colorado, “Rewriting the Word and the World: Preservice Teachers Engaging in Multiliteracies for Student Empowerment”

Matthew Hurwitz, University of Massachusetts Lowell, “Service-Learning and First-Year Composition: Writing Towards a University-Community Ecology”

Sumyat Thu, University of Washington, Seattle, “Writing as Networked Activity: Let Students Find an Exigence”


Nancy Bartley, University of Washington, “Raising the Dead: Hanging Your Story on the Skeleton of History”

Andrea Paolini, University of Pittsburgh, “Aiming High and Plugging In: Engaging Global Girls in Blogging”

Nicole Turnipseed, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, “Writing the Self, Righting Our World: Holistic Literate Development and the Sustenance of Social Worlds”

Jill Darling, University of Michigan Dearborn, “Public Writing and Social Justice Activism: Claudia Rankine and Ta-Nehisi Coates”

Margaret Williams, Western Carolina University, “Let’s Talk About Chalk: The Search for Useful Knowledge in a Rhetorical Ecology” 


Andrew Golden, Florida International University, “The Digital Collage: Protest Art for the Activist Student”

Heather Martin, University of Denver, and Paul Sherman, University of Denver, “Students as Community Partners and Community Engagement Advocates”

Erin Kunz, Mayville State University, “Writing Instructor as Travel Guide”

Rik Hunter, University of Tennessee at Chattanooga, “Encouraging Public Subjects of Rhetorical Inquiry and Action Through On-Campus Community Writing”
