Saturday, February 15, 2025

Advice for marriage

So a student submitted a help card in class and wanted it to be a private discussion. However, this advice is really good for me to reflect on. The truth is, I can never stop taking my own advice. So here it is.

Congratulations on the possibility of marriage on the horizon!

That's fantastic, that you and your girlfriend will be taking marital classes. I'm honored that you would reach out to me for advice because I absolutely love being married and having children. I'm not implying that you should have children, but I can definitely give advice for success.

When Carrie and I started dating, she asked me what she should know about me. I immediately said that even though I do my best to listen, I will most likely forget a lot of what is said. 

So being graceful with each other, understanding that these things you don't mean to do might happen is really important.

That's what they mean by open communication. Communication communication communication. It never ends.

For me, it was coming from a family that never communicated, by which I mean expressing the needs people have with other people being open to fulfilling them.

There are also healthy ways to help with conflict, as conflict is unavoidable. We as a culture aren't taught how to remain calm, discuss things out of "I feel" language. 

Here is what Google AI said when I asked (see below)

Also, to make sure that you have strong connections with other couples and friends. When I dated someone unhealthy for me, I lost many of my friends. It's important to have those connections so that even the emotional work doesn't have to be burdened to one person.

I like what Carrie says, that she and her female friends will sometimes complain about their husbands on the light side, but also like to brag about us. I mean really, there are times where I will forget to cook a vegetable as part of a dinner because Carrie is often doing most of the cooking.

Maybe that's also another good thing to think about, to really establish who will be solar responsible for what as well as what is co-equally responsible. For example, it is equally my responsibility to have a clean house if I come in from work and see that it is trashed. Having five kids, the house is always trashed. Hahaha

Even though I pay all of the bills because I love doing that, keeping track of the money coming in and how it will be distributed, Carrie has full access to what I'm doing. She has full access to look at the accounts and I also share with her my spreadsheet of what came in, what the expenses were, and what spending we have for the rest of the month.

I guess like anything, balance work with home life, balance self-care time with partner time with friend time. I know that all I ever wanted to do was be with Carrie when we were dating, but I'm also glad that we did hang out with our friends individually. Sometimes we hosted a group at our apartment back then.

Anyway, thank you for asking again. I'm guessing I have more tips, but I'll close here as I've written an entire essay!

Prof D

To have open communication and manage conflict with a partner, focus on actively listening, using "I" statements to express your feelings, avoiding blame, choosing a calm moment to discuss issues, practicing empathy, and being open to compromise, while ensuring you both feel heard and respected throughout the conversation.

Saturday, January 18, 2025

2024 Anhinga Prize for Poetry

With a big thank you to Kristine Snodgrass! This means so much to me during a time where the poems don't come as they have due to my health. 


Dear Dennis Etzel, Jr.,

Thank you for your submission, The War in the War: an ars poetica memoir. 

Our staff is very grateful that you trusted Anhinga Press with your submission and we really enjoyed reading your poetry. We employ readers and judges who write and publish, as you do, and who know what it feels like to go through this process. It is a privilege to be able to spend time with such outstanding work.

To follow are the selections for the 2024 Anhinga Prize for Poetry. 

Anhinga Press is pleased to announce:

Winning Selection

Origin of Wounds by Malik Rasaq chosen by Kaveh Bassiri.

Finalists chosen by Kaveh Bassiri: 

Rivermouth Shouting by Jean Gallagher 

The Conditions by Jacob Griffin Hall 

Says the Wolf By Becka McKay 


Bluecollar Eclogue by Jay Brecker 

Rot by Randi Clemons 

Earthly Paradise of Carteret by Chris McCann

The War within the War by Denis Etzel Jr

Ghost in the Archive by Jennifer Lloyd


Kristine Snodgrass


Anhinga Press

Wednesday, December 11, 2024

Conferences plan

 Waiting to hear back from ncte

and from International Conference on Religion & Film

in March? 

for May>>already asked for

Register for conference money in August

Either for ncte?



Friday, December 6, 2024

Upcoming course schedule change and plans

 Fall 2024

Submit for Fall 2025 Sabbatical

EN 210 Online (cross-listed with EN 399 and RG 300)

EN 101 MWF 9:00-9:50

EN 101 MWF 10-10:50

EN 300 Online nursing emphasis


Spring 2025

MWF 8:00-8:50 EN 300

MWF 9:00-9:50 EN 206

MWF 11:00-11:50 EN 300

Mon. 5:30-8:00 EN 190/390



Fall 2025





Spring 2026

Beginning Poetry (206): Etzel

Superhero Films 

Fall 2026


Spring 2027

Beginning Poetry (206): Etzel

Beginning Nonfiction (207): Etzel



Fall 2027


Spring 2028

Beginning Poetry (206): Etzel

Fall 2028


Thursday, December 5, 2024

At the Movies



Mythology and religion and philosophy and psychology


Two lesbian mothers



Everything everywhere all at once

Mental rom-coms

Places that movie theaters are

The positive Trickster

Self-care Cinema therapy

I'm from Topeka Kansas and so are you

Art Plus capitalism equals emptiness

What does it mean to write a memoir, film as memoir

Generative Poetic Practices like the HBO guide and analyzing it back and forth and everywhere

Phenomenon philosophy, indie VS corporate, loss of the Dickinson theater, while Atchison rallied

In a dead end job

At the movies in December, the best movies come out, reflection, snow storms and the beauty of Silence

Tuesday, December 3, 2024


 I know I should really think about writing pieces that are funny, smart, in other words have wit.

In other words, write pieces that I would love to read out loud and to an audience.

Think of pacing, think of ways that a story engages with a listener.

Comedic memoir

 Leaving Louise's reading and how she affirmed that a lot of life is about pain but the comedy helps relieve that or at least make it approachable. And how difficult it is to write comedy as I'm talking to Eric and he remembers the piece that I wrote called against masculinity in the comedy I had written about after writing about the angry men I had survived when my mom came out after her divorce and said I don't think I like men and I responded me either! And then how I then run into Roger who took a fiction class with me 8 years ago and he remembered what I said about there's a story and everything and he even mentioned the story recently wrote called sticky notes. He now has a couple of Memoirs written. And a couple of novels. And here's the thing it's toward the end of the semester and I was feeling down and sometimes that little depression comes back but then here are these notes as I'm thinking about writing memoir and that I have to remember is to bring back that comedy. I love how my mom said I always used to tell jokes and I was always being humorous but I also know that was partly the disguise of the sadness I was feeling. Eric told me about another time when we were both students at Robinson Middle School and somehow someone told him about when I was in Randolph Elementary School that I asked someone in the back do you want to see me jump out the window? And I had then showed a piece of paper with the word Jump On It. I waited for the teacher to turn back around and threw that piece of paper out the window!

I'm wondering that comedy will be a part of my memoir?