Thursday, June 27, 2019

I like this press!


At the Movies During Summer


why the movies?
what are the themes? survival, security, retreat/escape, sanctum, Art
initiation into Art for my sons
examination of childhood, meaning, culture

use psychology of films and audiences to explore

eternal sunshine

spotless mind

bad movies I loved during the 80s


books about poetics as survival
psychology of films
poetry about movies
articles about movies
summer blocks busted

lists of films as summer blockbuster

Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Michael Flatt's Absent Receiver

Going through my books, I recalled I loved this one--the use of song lyrics textual and misheard, transliteration, and quotes from poems.

At first I thought it would be great to approach Strike Out with the form he uses. Now I think my At the Movies project would benefit. Midsommer. Coming in.

With their relationship in trouble, a young American couple travel to a fabled Swedish midsummer festival where a seemingly pastoral paradise transforms into a sinister, dread-soaked nightmare as the locals reveal their terrifying agenda. >>> Doesn't this sound like climate change? The environment?

What happened to her face? a man asks.

assemble film descriptions, articles about blockbusters


Star Wars

Indiana Jones


Monday, June 24, 2019

At the Movies During Summer

I realize my overall project is one to seek healing through, to seek some kind of prophetic message or mystic realization through trying to get through the summer.

. . . ability to predict events as for their ability to heal the sick and wounded.

Apollo: Greek God of music, poetry, art, oracles, archery, plague, medicine, sun, light and knowledge

Hermes Hermes Trismegistus (Ancient Greek: Ἑρμῆς ὁ Τρισμέγιστος, "thrice-greatest Hermes"; Latin: Mercurius ter Maximus) is the purported author of the Hermetic Corpus, a series of sacred texts that are the basis of Hermeticism.

Sunday, June 23, 2019

Summer blockbuster

Something that emerged in my time and I should do research on. Etymology of movies, summer, blockbuster, popcorn, audience.


Friday, June 14, 2019

Last Lecture

Now I'm going to tell you something straight up. I've met a lot of smart people who were hard laborers, and I've met a lot of academics who were cold and had no care for about peoples in our worlds. The truth is it smart to care about others to think about their inner worlds, if you truly know that science proves that we are all interconnected. You know I missed the fifth grade for being a troublemaker sent out into the hallway almost every day to copy the dictionary. That precious handwriting would get thrown away something I reflect on now as I know the handwritten word is a symbol of the personal world. That's what poetry is. I somehow got through 6th grade so that when I went into Middle School I was in remedial classes. My English teachers did not like me they could not explain to me things I had questions about and only seems like they reprimanded my ignorance. My 8th grade teacher even as I had an A in all of the classes my final semester refuse to sign the sheet that would let me go to have fun in Kansas City for being straight A student. But I got this way Within These two years because of my 7th grade math teacher who said I know that others are making fun of you for being in this class that you all are really smart and I know you can do it. I took his words to Heart. I didn't think I was smart but I somehow thought to myself that every math exam even maybe 45 problems to it really relied on knowing two or three different ways to do those problems so if I memorized how to do that I could have Get an A+ on every test. In high school my algebra teacher said I could take both geometry and Algebra 2 at the same time so I did. I ended up taking precalculus and trigonometry my senior year.

Monday, June 10, 2019

Last Lecture

Laughter and sadness, creativity and down-time, these are qualities I see in my toddlers. . . .

Saturday, June 8, 2019

Last Lecture

There's always been a fear of death with me, but even worst fear would be not living. A student of mine last semester when I was talking about non Nobis solum and I took them on Asaka Geographic stroll she said I don't believe in that not for ourselves. Her argument was she wasn't going to do something just because someone tells her she shed. Like all students I let them just have their voice in class particularly she had been very negative throughout the semester critical. She was just taking the class to open up her writing as she was getting a Communications major that semester a degree. To myself though I said when you get to that point it's like no one telling you you should. You are falling in because you got there. Of course there are always more there's to get to, but not for ourselves alone becomes a desire, not a command. Ironically Ironically, she has now enrolled for an English degree and I am her adviser.

Wednesday, June 5, 2019


If there was one project I would take on for DocPo in the moment, it would be Topeka movie theatres, but part of my doesn't want to visit the past. I already have enough. I am in a good place.

That day

That day

was Kansas


              --Robert Johnson, from "Ark 49, Masthead"

Tuesday, June 4, 2019

To do soon