signify 1, 3, and 4
at the end
Selene Widowed, Demeter Searches for Persephone in Western Kansas, Demeter Decapitated, The Minotaur Cries Out to the King, When Ariadne No Longer Weeps
They help with mental health
They prove that after a night in KC I enjoy getting back to Topeka the next day
That being creative is better in spurts for me than in trying to write a poem for four hours
It is important to get out of town
It is important to get back to family
The War in Its Introduction, The War in The Crucifix, The War in Fashion, The War in Basic Training, The War in Apocalypse Now
The War in Its Introduction, The War in the Inheritance, The War in the News, The War in the Oval Office, The War in Rescue