Friday, September 7, 2012

"I TALK, TALK, I TALK to you"

I am a TALK scholar for the Kansas Humanities Council and last night was my first TALK Book Discussion, held in Bonner Springs. Kim, the director, is doing amazing work there! The overall theme for this season is the 1930's, so we covered All the King's Men.

It was a warm reception, truly, and thirteen people joined for the discussion. I want to thank all of the people: Ramona, Sharon, Ted, Mike, Sarah, Joann, Jane, John, Twila, Karen, Carol, Donna, and Donna's husband! I still need to know his name!

That was a funny way to start, as Donna said she lost her husband--once in a conversation and secondly during introductions. She said he had read the book, too. I offered my sympathy, thinking she had lost him recently, but it was the lost, as in "he's around here somewhere" lost, and not the "lost" widowed sense. I noted my relief.

Overall, KHC is an amazing organization that truly fits the mission, as they "promote understanding of the history, traditions, and iideas that shape our lives and strengthen our communities." It was a pleasure to discuss how the novel truly applies to our lives, too, and to see a community come together via a book.

Thank you, Kim, for your invitation!

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