2014 AWP Conference Schedule
6:00 pm to 8:00 pmTiferet Journal is delighted to welcome you to AWP Seattle 2014 with a first night offsite reading. Join us for an evening of poetry, prose, art, and conversation.
Our fabulous readers include Alicia Ostriker, Aliki Barnstone, Marie-Elizabeth Mali, Amy King, Tony Barnstone, Ami Kaye, Bill Kenower, Donna Baier Stein, and Melissa Studdard.
Free Event
$5 Gallery Donation Suggested
Wine and beer will be served
Wednesday, Feb 26, 6-8 pm,
Ghost Gallery
504 E Denny Way (at Olive).
Enter through the courtyard behind the St. Florence Apt Bldg facing Olive Way
Wednesday, February 26, 2014
12:00 pm to 7:00 pm
W100. Conference Registration
Registration Area, Washington State Convention Center
Attendees who have registered in advance may pick up their registration materials in AWP’s preregistered
check-in area, located in the registration area on level 4 of the Washington State Convention Center. If you
have not yet registered for the conference, please visit the unpaid registration area, also in the registration
area on level 4. Please consult the bookfair map in the conference planner for location details. Students must
present a valid student ID to check-in or register at our student rate. Seniors must present a valid ID to
register at our senior rate. A $50 fee will be charged for all replacement badges.
Thursday, February 27, 2014
8:30 am to 6:00 pm
R101. AWP Bookfair, Sponsored by Hollins University: Jackson Center for Creative Writing
North & South Exhibit Halls, Washington State Convention Center
With more than 650 literary exhibitors the AWP bookfair is the largest of its kind. A great way to meet authors,
critics, and peers, the bookfair also provides excellent opportunities to find information about many literary
magazines, presses, and organizations. Please consult the bookfair map in the conference planner for location
1:30 pm to 2:45 pm
R207. Out of the Classroom: Possible Adventures in Creative Writing
Room 611, Washington State Convention Center, Level 6
(Philip Graham, Dinty W. Moore, John Warner, Harmony Neal)
This panel chronicles the strategies of four teachers of fiction and nonfiction who assign
undergraduate students to go on “adventures” outside of the classroom and their comfort zone: attending
roller derby games or a quarter horse competition, visiting a pet cemetery, going on a "coyote watch," taking
tango classes, etc. These assignments encourage students to see how “plot” works in real life (instead of in
television narratives) and how easily they can generate material for their writing.
3:00 pm to 4:15 pm
R234. Breaking Silences: Women’s Memoir as an Act of Rebellion
Room 607, Washington State Convention Center, Level 6
(Janice Gary, Kate Hopper, Anna March, Connie May Fowler, Rosemary Daniell)
Pregnancy. Rape. Motherhood. Domestic violence. Tillie Olsen writes: Why are more women silenced than
men? The women on this panel also ask: why, when women write about the full experience of being female in
this culture are our stories seen as less worthy of literary merit than those of male counterparts? We’ll
address our experiences with writing taboo subjects and discuss the conscious and unconscious biases that
keep women from the transgressive act of writing honestly about their lives.
6:00 pm to 8:00 pm
William Stafford Anthology Reading and Celebration
Caffe Ladro, 801 Pine St, Seattle, WA 98101
Cost: Free
Url: http://www.facebook.com/events/494182720637610/
In celebration of the William Stafford Centennial and the release of the anthology A Ritual to Read Together, a
celebration and reading will take place at Caffe Ladro. We also dedicate the reading in memory of Dorothy
Stafford. Anthology readers include: Fred Marchant, Kim Stafford, GC Waldrep, Ellen Bass, and more.
Friday, February 28, 2014
9:00 am to 10:15 am
F111. The New Translation: Writing through Rewriting
Room 3A, Washington State Convention Center, Level 3
(Joe Milutis, Paul Legault, Craig Dworkin, Clark Lunberry)
Experimental translation techniques have taken up attitudes toward the nature of the original that complicate
or conflict with more dutiful notions of translation. From the carefully oblique to the wildly discrepant, we are
interested in techniques of translation that seek to heighten the noise that exists at the fragile moment of
cultural transfer. This panel will speak both to the long tradition of these kinds of techniques as well as
incarnations potentiated by new media.
F112. The Poetic Sentence
Room 3B, Washington State Convention Center, Level 3
(Sasha Steensen, Dan Beachy-Quick, Elizabeth Robinson, Laynie Browne, Srikanth Reddy)
The effects of the line, as the fundamental unit of poetry, often trump those of the sentence. Yet, the
sentence is so often present in the poem, albeit enjambed, interrupted, and infused with space. In recent
years, poets have been investigating the tensions and energies of the sentence in fascinating ways. In this
panel, poets will explore how incorporating the prose sentence into their poems works to re-envision both the
formal (line, syntax, and rhythm) and semantic textures of the poem.
10:30 am to 11:45 am
F143. New Poetry from Omnidawn Publishing
Robert Muroff Bookfair Stage, Washington State Convention Center, Level 4
(Craig Santos Perez, Julie Carr, Gillian Conoley, Endi Bogue Hartigan, Karla Kelsey)
Please join us for a reading to celebrate Omnidawn’s Spring 2014 poetry titles! The Moderator will be Craig
Santos Perez, who will say a few words about Omnidawn. Q&A will follow the readings.
F158. When a Poem Can't Tell the Whole Story: Why Poets are Taking up Nonfiction
Room 101, Western New England MFA Annex, Level 1
(Danielle Deulen, Katharine Coles, Gregory Orr, Julia Koets, Linwood Rumney)
As creative nonfiction becomes more popular and expands to push against the boundaries of convention,
poets increasingly adopt it as a second genre. Five poets who also write nonfiction and who are at various
stages in their careers discuss nonfiction from the poet’s perspective. How does working in two genres
change the way we think about craft? How does writing in a second genre open up career opportunities in a
difficult job market?
12:00 pm to 1:15 pm
F176. A Shapelesse Flame: The Nature of Poetry and Desire
Scott James Bookfair Stage, Washington State Convention Center, Level 4
(Gerard Woodward, Tim Liardet, Carrie Etter, Danielle Pafunda, Arielle Greenberg)
Desire, said Coleridge, is the reflex of our earthly frame. But when it comes to the writing of contemporary
poetry, exactly what is the nature of desire? Is a successful poem an example of life’s longing for itself, driven
by independent will? How is the energy of a poem like human desire itself? How can human desire best be
expressed in poetry? This panel of two American poets and two UK poets will attempt to engage in a dialogue
on these important questions.
1:00 pm to 3:00 pm
Author Signing: Zucker, Rachel
Organization Name: Virginia Tech MFA Program
Spot: N9
1:30 pm to 2:45 pm
F223. In Your Next Letter I Wish You’d Say: Epistolary Impulse and Innovation
Room 615/616/617, Washington State Convention Center, Level 6
(Jenny Browne, Mark Jarman, Paul Guest, Laynie Browne, Idra Novey)
While Congress and the U.S. Postal Service debate ending Saturday delivery and many mourn the lost art of
letter writing, contemporary poets continue to explore and expand the artful possibilities of writing in the
epistolary mode. These panelists investigate exciting variations of poetic correspondence, including
collaboration, homage, and performance, as well as discuss their own epistolary processes, influences, and
teaching strategies.
F230. Mixed Methods: Collaboration Between Visual Art and Contemporary Poetry
Room 302, Western New England MFA Annex, Level 3
(Allison Campbell, Cole Swensen, Timothy Liu, Bianca Stone, Brandon Downing)
When poetry and image intersect, what changes occur in both art forms? How is the artist’s process, and the
reader’s experience altered when poetry and image enter into conversation with each other? Panelists will
explore these questions and discuss how the two art forms can compliment, complete, and even translate
each other. Poets who have published collaborative projects, or created poetry that incorporates self-made
visuals, will discuss their work.
3:00 pm to 4:15 pm
F259. When Genres Collide: Teaching Prose Poetry and Flash Fiction
Room LL4, Western New England MFA Annex, Lower Level
(Katie Manning, Hadara Bar-Nadav, Forrest Roth, Tyrone Jaeger, John Talbird)
The collision of prose poetry and flash fiction can provide productive and challenging points of discussion and
inspiration in the multi-genre classroom. What can prose poetry teach flash fiction? How can theories of
narrative inform understandings of prose poetry? Join our panel of writer-teachers for a discussion about how
to navigate the sometimes blurry boundary between prose poetry and flash fiction in the undergraduate
4:30 pm to 5:00 pm
Author Signing: King, Amy
Organization Name: The Rooster Moans Poetry Cooperative
Spot: T3
6:00 pm to 10:00 pm
Bloof + Saturnalia at Jewelbox Theater at Rendezvous
Jewelbox Theater, Rendezvous Restaurant and Lounge, 2322 2nd Ave Seattle, WA 98121
Cost: Free
Url: https://www.facebook.com/events/393647637420512/
Readers include Daniel Borzutzky, Kendra DeColo, Natalie Eilbert, Dorothea Lasky, Timothy Liu, Danielle
Pafunda, Martha Silano, Sandra Simonds & Elisabeth Workman. Music by Rebecca Loudon. Hosted by Shanna
Compton & Henry Israeli.
Saturday, March 1, 2014
10:30 am to 11:45 am
S139. Research in the Workshop: Teaching Documentary Literature
Room 2B, Washington State Convention Center, Level 2
(Joseph Harrington, Cole Swensen, Jena Osman, Eleni Sikelianos, Susan M. Schultz)
Historical literature has become more popular in recent years in all genres, and it is showing up in more
college literature courses. But how can we integrate historical research into the workshop? How does such
work change our understanding of the nature of conducting research and of creative writing pedagogy? These
questions will be addressed by panelists who are teachers and writers of research-based literature.
12:00 pm to 1:15 pm
S190. The Myth of the Inaccessible: Teaching Experimental Poetry in the Community
Room 101, Western New England MFA Annex, Level 1
(Laura Walker, Dana Teen Lomax, Douglas Kearney, Hoa Nguyen, Sarah Rosenthal)
Poetry that may refuse a coherent I, eschew narrative, play with language as material, or otherwise subvert
notions of traditional poetry is often deemed "inaccessible" or "academic." What happens when these poetries
are taught in community or K-12 programs? Five poets will talk about their great success teaching innovative
poetry outside the academy, their pedagogy, student responses, and their compelling rationales for their
1:30 pm to 2:45 pm
S206. Jack Kerouac School 40th Anniversary Reading
Patricia Olson Bookfair Stage, Washington State Convention Center, Level 4
(Andrea Rexilius, Michelle Naka Pierce, J'Lyn Chapman, Anne Waldman)
Come celebrate the 40th anniversary of Naropa University’s Jack Kerouac School of Disembodied Poetics!
S211. But Is It Any Good? Appropriation and Evaluation
Room 608, Washington State Convention Center, Level 6
(Jessica Burstein, Brian Reed, Marjorie Perloff, Danny Snelson, Craig Dworkin)
Contemporary poets frequently “borrow” other people’s words. They employ appropriation, collage, sampling,
and outright plagiarism. What do we make, though, of all this copying, cutting, and pasting? Is lifting text from
a Web page or retyping a novel over Twitter in any way comparable to sitting down and trying to put "the
best words in the best order" (Coleridge)? And when writers “steal” instead of “write,” how can we tell a good
poem from a bad one? What criteria should we use?
4:30 pm to 5:45 pm
S265. Uncreative & Unoriginal: Notes on Conceptual Writing
Room 400, Washington State Convention Center, Level 4
(Devon Wootten, Catherine Wagner, Marie Buck, Noah Eli Gordon, K. Silem Mohammad)
The poet Kenneth Goldsmith posits conceptual writing as a response to the digitization of language. For
Goldsmith, the unparalleled linguistic materiality of our digital age necessitates a different conception of the
"poetic.” In contrast to more traditional poetics, conceptual writing de-centers the writing subject with
strategies such as collage, excision, and appropriation. This panel asks what conceptual writing might teach
us about beauty, originality, and the creative process.
6:00 pm to 9:00 pm
Alice Blue + Bloof + Coconut at the Pine Box
The Pine Box, 1600 Melrose Ave. Seattle WA 98122
Cost: Free
Url: https://www.facebook.com/events/540652019364376/
Tyler Brewington
Jackie Clark
Shanna Compton
Mel Coyle
Bruce Covey
Ben Fama
Hailey Higdon
Megan Kaminski
Jiyoon Lee
Joseph Mains
Pattie McCarthy
Amanda Montei
Amber Nelson
Jenn Marie Nunes
Alexis Pope
Dawn Sueoka
Jennifer Tamayo
Ellen Welcker
Joseph P Wood
Wendy Xu and Nick Sturm
8:30 pm to 10:00 pm
S284. A Reading by Jane Hirshfield and Sharon Olds, Sponsored by the Academy of American
Ballroom E, Washington State Convention Center, Level 6
(Jennifer Benka, Jane Hirshfield, Sharon Olds)
The Academy of American Poets presents a reading by award-winning poets Jane Hirshfield and Sharon Olds
who will read from their respective works. Hirshfield received the Donald Hall-Jane Kenyon Award in American
Poetry in 2012. Her book Given Sugar, Given Salt was a finalist for a National Book Critics Circle Award. Olds is
the author of Stag's Leap, which won the Pulitzer Prize in 2013. Jennifer Benka, Executive Director of the
Academy of American Poets, will introduce the readers.